Bienvenue a Vislandie! Il y a trois sorciers qui habitent ici. Leur nommes sont Jean, Jacques et Ludovic. Chacun a a favourite fruit et un animal.

- Je m'appelle Ludovic. To the one who likes oranges n'a pas de un chien. Je n'aime pas de strawberries. to to name_1 does not belong not to have an owl.

- Je m'appelle Jean. to to name_3 does not belong un chien. To me does not belong not to have an owl. Jacques doesn't like oranges.

- Je m'appelle Ludovic. Jean doesn't like oranges. to to name_6 does not belong un chien. To the one who likes pinapples n'a pas de un chien.

Connais-tu la solution deja? Jean likes pinapples. To to name_6 belongs un chat. Jacques likes strawberries. To to name_1 belongs un chien. Ludovic likes oranges. To to name_3 belongs to have an owl.
